Creating Quantum Coherence

Earth as energy

2. The Quantum Field: The Field of Possibilities

In physics, a field is an area under the influence of some force, such as gravity or electromagnetism. A field theory generally refers to why physical phenomena happen, and how these phenomena interact with nature.

The quantum field is an invisible field of energy and information—or, you could say, a field of intelligence or consciousness—that exists beyond space and time. The energy of this field goes by many names; zero point energy, life-force energy, etc., but it is all the same, and it is all the field. Albert Einstein spent the later years of his career researching the Quantum Field and creating his thesis, "Quantum Theory," in an effort to explain the force behind nature.

Many believe you have to be a master of sorts to access this energy. For centuries, in many countries and ancient civilizations, this energy was only made available for the rich and powerful. Control was held by very few over who gets to work with its divinity, going as far as to hide the truth in plain sight.

However, this energy can no longer be hidden. It is our innate, and divine right to be in coherence (resonance) with this energetic field or Source. It is not only what creates our reality; it's what governs our multiple realities in multiple dimensions. This is a self-organizing energetic intelligence that is observing all of the universes and galaxies into order.

So, as time goes on, this energetic intelligence that is us will no longer allow for the truth to be hidden, and the truth will become more and more readily available. The reality is, we are naturally meant to be in coherence and in-resonance with ourselves as energy and whats even more, is that we always and innately are. Right now, we have access to it and are this divine Source, and it depends on our own specific journey to this understanding and our ability to trust and surrender to it for us to experience the power of ourselves.


We can see a direct transtheorhetical experience through practices like breathwork, meditation, with the ingestion of plant medicines (entheogens) and other synergistic substances, tantra, eye gazing, and many more. These practices are inherently transtheorhetical due to their direct coherence with the quantum field. Now, this doesn’t mean these practices will work for everyone but rather that when used in the correct context and alignment, these practices may offer an opportunity for direct coherence with the quantum field ushering a direct transtheorhetical experience.

This is what makes Inner Dance so interesting. This process works to distract the ego (what allows you to perceive yourself as an individual focal point) and opens your awareness to the quantum field, allowing you to remember your natural state as an infinite source of energy. Energy healing itself can be quite the mystery because its hard to say whether or not the experience when transtheorhetical is direct or indirect. It seems to be something that we simply surrender to in the moment rather than working our will to achieve. We seem to simply become conscious of true nature within an instant whether that be on the subtle levels or on every level.

However, depending on the information that our focal point (point of observation) or human self is choosing to download, determines how and when we choose to become consciously aware of this remembering and whether or not we can presence ourselves enough to be in a constant state of remembrance or coherence with the quantum field. In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work, we see this process explained as our energy choosing our destiny. The more your focal point (human-self) can reach a heightened state of observation, the more information you download from the field.

In this remembrance, we must also reconsider the definition of a quantum field as a field of energy and information. Meaning that in this remembering of the true nature of ourselves as energy, we have the ability to also download, or bring our conscious awareness to the information that not only our focal point has carried in our subconscious and beyond (past lives, co-existing lives, etc.) but also the information that exists within the field. This is the same process many consider as reading the Akashic Records. When we demystify this technique, we see it simply as bringing our awareness to the information in the Quantum Field.

With this understanding alone, we realize that there are no persons who are more spiritually advanced, there are no guru’s, or spiritual masters. There are only focal points who have brought their awareness to the field, humans who have achieved a sustained state of heightened awareness, and those who have released the veil of illusions (temporarily released the ego) and have chosen to remember who they really are. There is no such person alive on this planet who has the ability to live in a permanent state of know-ing (no ego). True balance in life– whether it’s under the name of enlightenment or happiness, is the ability to create Quantum Coherence or vibrational resonance within your focal point of consciousness (the physical) and the consciousness of all that is (the metaphysical), otherwise known as the Quantum Field on a consistent basis which is the very notion of presence. Quantum Coherence is a way of being that relies on one’s ability to expand their awareness in every possible opportunity– which will look different for everyone.

4. The Portals: Modalities for Remembering

Portal 1: Inner Dance

Quantum Coherence

This process is an intuitive and organic state of expanded consciousness (expanded awareness) that acts as a gateway or portal towards wholeness and a deeper understanding of who and what we are.

Polyphonic sound and live instruments are used to support the activation of specific brainwave patterns that stimulate a waking dream-like state of lucid consciousness.

Heightened vibratory responses within the brain and body begin to shift elements of the quantum field and its interactions with electricity, memory, emotion, collective thought, vision, resonance, and frequency.

Perceptual changes and profound insights spontaneously arise from expanded awareness and increased neuroplasticity. Old systems of interpretation change gradually or instantaneously as a more natural, healing, and harmonic energy takes hold. We call this process the Inner Dance.

As far as the actual process goes– you’ll lay down on a yoga mat while music is played and the space holder may touch or press some of the chakra or meridian points on your body. That’s it; that’s all that happens on the outside. However, what happens on the inside is a totally different story…

At its most basic core, this process is an advanced form of music therapy. Think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency. Every vibration carries a frequency which carries energy. This process is as much music therapy as it is energy healing.

Science is behind every song, every instrument, and sound played in a Quantum

  1. The Earth as Energy

Scientist and physicist alike have been thinking of the earth as energy for millennia. Take a look at Albert Einstein and his accomplishments in Quantum Theory, or Nikola Telsa’s 369 theory and his plans for using Inner Earth as a source of free electricity. Still to this day, there are hidden truths waiting to be revealed of the energetically-empowered ancient societies of Egypt and their use of the pyramids and other structures as energetic powerhouses. Yet, within all of these theories and hidden truths, there’s one common understanding– the acknowledgement of an unseen Source of energy. This energy is within all that inhabits our physical realm (living and non-living), with the only difference residing in terms of frequency and vibration.

Quantum Field

3. Removing the Veil: Remembering


There are many ways for us to enter states of remembering our most raw, natural state of energy. We all are on the path of remembering whether we are consciously aware of it or not. However, how that remembering manifests will be different for everyone but if we categorize this remembering we see it happening in two ways– through indirect transtheorhetical experience and direct transtheorhetical experience. First to understand Transtheorhetical Experience we must first familiarize ourselves with the Transtheorhetical Model of Change.

Indirect Transtheorhetical Experience (ITE): Both indirect and direct transtheorhetical experience have the ability to create change, but ITE occurs when we are not consciously aware of it or when we are not present within the experience. This can look like spontaneous occurrences like receiving “bad news”, or ending up in the hospital, or in other ways like feeling overwhelming emotion or pressure, hitting “rock bottoms”, or obstacles happening that seem out of your control. Most ITE’s can feel unpleasant but they are happening to encourage positive change.

Direct Transtheorhetical Experience (DTE):

Portal 2: Shaktipat: The Original Life-force Kundalini Transmission

Portal 3: The Medicine

5. Sustaining Coherence: The Integration


Continued learning
